Because i had to .. and also because i am so tired of seeing all the damage and destruction.. yes our island is destroyed but not our core.  our hibiscus and birambi trees are already blooming... little hopes and inspirations .. the stars are smiling too.. so in that interest.. i'm just gonna do my do.. and hope for the best .. and quick recovery for us all.  even the jackspanjiards (/ wasps .. (yes i been feeding them - they lost their homes too)

let's think about the positive .. about being humble.. about changing our attitudes and treatments of others.. not just humans but animals and environment.. as a people.. bc real talk.. the amount of negativity (animal neglect abuse - environmental exploitation - hatred and envy ) these things fuel the BS. let us not add to fuelling any BS ..
u with me? even if u skeptical.. or think this is some hippy talk.. no worries.. but .. just think about it..
.. just think about it..there is a reason we experience pain and loss and suffering.. only via humility can we recognise and allow this pain to motivate growth and growth.. brings change.. positive change. unity.  no hate. but be assertive for what we believe in and deserve.. no bending over without lube.. we need to come together to fight together...
THINK .. wake up...go get a FREE (donated) bag of dog food and feed a stray.. repair your karma, and enjoy the feeling of being a good person by helping someone else. especially a stray animal and especially in these times.  Hurricane affected them too .. probably killed their friends.. etc .. use heart.

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